Monthly Archives: March 2017

England in February.

Not sure how to begin since I left you all in Acre (Acco) Israel, it’s not been dull let me tell you and the miles have ratcheted up considerably. There are lots of stories to tell from Israel, Jordan, America and England but there just isn’t time. Maybe I will tell of some as the blog continues.

The blog continues…. I was in England during February, not the best month to be in that rather damp island. It was mostly gray every day, the sun didn’t shine very often, maybe for three days total. But then you don’t really go to the United Kingdom in February for the weather. It was a good day when we could go out without a coat. The weather forecast was interesting, it was as if they were addressing a Wiccan Coven with their sunny spells and spells of rain. I relearned the skills of hanging out the washing, no dryers there, we wait for one of those aforementioned sunny spells and rush out with damp clothes etc and hang it all out on the washing line. Then spend the next couple of hours gazing anxiously at the sky in case there is a spell of rain. I discussed this ritual with a New Zealander living in the States, we agreed that this never ever happens in America, it’s a sign of poverty. Interesting that. The milkman delivered the milk on most days, complete with milk float, a vehicle specially designed for delivering milk. I think this activity has died out around the world and is much mourned.

Driving too was something of a novelty. Most minor roads in England are little more than paved over cart tracks wide enough for two carts to pass. This is fine until someone, or many someones, decide to park, totally blocking one lane. There is of course a system, if it’s your lane that is blocked then you give way to oncoming traffic. Pretty obvious, but what happens when you can’t see what is coming. Again there is a system, some sort of light flashing code that I never did figure out. If someone waits for you because their lane is blocked then courtesy dictates that you give them a cheery wave by way of thanks. What I didn’t know was that if someone gives you the cheery wave for waiting for them then you should give them a cheery wave back by way of thanking them for thanking you! I had visions of being stuck in an endless cycle of thanking each other for thanking each other, maybe we would never go anywhere again, just sit there in the road giving each other cheery waves until the end of time.

In case you were wondering I was in England to help my Mom (well into her 90s) and hubby (almost a centenarian) make their cottage easier to stay in rather than move to an assisted living situation. I think we did quite well with grab rails throughout, new banisters, that sort of thing. Time will tell of course but hopefully they will be able to stay in their home for the foreseeable future.

My departure was slightly delayed due to my credit card being hacked. Someone took it upon themselves to run up a rather large bill at the Hilton hotel in San Jose, Ca. Endless phone calls to the bank and the situation was eventually resolved and funds restored but it was a bit of a wake up call and I’m now extra cautious. But the time came and it was off into the wild blue yonder from Heathrow to Istanbul for a four-hour layover then a bounce through Jakarta to Ambon and the ferry to Banda Neira, which is where I’m writing this. Miserable jet lag for nearly a week but reality is setting in and I’m enjoying the change of pace and temperature!

More next time.



This is a milk float.


A carriage drawn by two horses just appeared in front of me.


The almost tame robin that insisted on being fed every morning.


The milk. Delivered.


A rather worrying road sign!